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Official Statement from Huracán OTIS Mundo Imperial.

Regarding the current situation in Acapulco, Guerrero, caused by Hurricane "Otis," Group Mundo Imperial confirms the safety of all individuals in our Princess, Pierre, and Palacio Mundo Imperial properties, as well as the GNP Seguros Arena, located near the affected area. Our communication services have been restored, and our dedicated staff is ensuring the well-being and protection of everyone on our premises.

The safety and care of our guests, clients, and staff remain our top priority. Both before and after this unfortunate event, we diligently followed security protocols in collaboration with the XXXV International Mining Convention organizing committee, ensuring the physical safety of all attendees.

We are actively cooperating with the relevant authorities to assist those currently at our facilities, providing necessary information, and aiding in their safe return to their homes.

We will be updating information on our official channels, as well as serving clients and family members at the service number: 800 090 9900.

With our deepest gratitude,

Group Mundo Imperial.

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